Jul 20, 2019
Part 1 of Becoming Your Brand: Get online and
share the truth.
Your brand is you. Is who are you when you are being the you-est
you that you can possibly be. God didn’t make you
The world needs you standing in your power and sharing your
Use these powerful journal prompts to get clear on who you...
Mar 29, 2019
Since ‘saving money’ is not the most expansive vibration that you can play in, Amanda describes what it’s like to choose overflow as a way to ‘stack the cash’? She shares how she moved from the energy of earning money to energy of having money and more than enough of it. She also explains on what lack of...
Nov 10, 2018
Part 2. Build a loyal, loving community of humans who love to buy from you. Grow your audience consistently. What people to need to know to be able to decide to enroll in your offers/pay to work with you. Get the soul mate clients into your social media outlets. While this was recorded this was recored 2.5 years ago,...