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And She Rises…

Jun 28, 2020

If you follow me over on my InstaStory, you may have seen that we've had some copy cats this week. (Gasp!)
That's because I am really, really good at what I do.
I am really good at sharing messages from the soul that hit the hearts of people.
My messages get me noticed, seen and paid.
In today's video, I give...

Jun 18, 2020

I am going to tell you a story. It's not a pretty story or a story I am proud of, but I think sharing it may serve as a mirror for you.

It may facilitate a powerful shift in you. It may get you to think, evaluate, and choose to create from a place you have not yet.

I hope it allows more love, honesty and fairness to...

Jun 10, 2020

What I do anytime I feel nervous, insecure or feel a lack of confidence or worth in myself. This applies to every area of your life -- money, love, business, etc.

The trick here is: We think getting everything we want is about making the next perfect move and getting everything right. But, it's deeper than that.
